Christmas endeavours.

Since my last posting the pandemic has increased in it`s intensity, to a degree which has necessitated near isolation for the Myretoun. As “live” Christmas shopping was not possible, and on-line shopping unappealing, I have been making gifts in house, as an additional Santa`s helper. Below are the results of my enjoyable labours. One pendant ,my first, was made 40 years ago, but all the other gifts were made over the last few weeks. My absolute principle of not applying any component part unless hand made by me is slightly dented by this image.. The two over shiny silver chains are not mine; machine made chains seldom suit hand made artefacts. These two will be replaced by hand made ones in due course. Making a chain is satisfying but laborious; every link has to be silver soldered individually. That said, my conscience is salved by temporary Christmas necessity, and the knowledge that everything else was hand made by me , for better or worse.

Photographs of the last boxes made have still to be posted, due to Covid intrusion, but should be entered on the website soon.

I thank everyone who has taken the trouble to spend any time on my website during 2020 and say again that contact is absolutely encouraged.

Heartfelt best wishes for 2021.
