I make turned wooden boxes, some with the addition of elements of silver and semi precious stones. The principle behind my work is to showcase the various exotic and indigenous timber species employed by "framing" them against African blackwood. My designs are deliberately not over elaborate; the intrinsic beauty of the wood itself is foremost in the making process. All items are made by me in totality, including silver work and any lapidary additions; I will not include anything which has been made or part made by anyone else. Although deceptively simple in design, each box requires up to twenty hours of work which, in most cases, extends over many months.

I have an abiding fascination for the beauty and infinite variability of wood and wood species, which I hope to convey to you in the boxes I make. Shown above is a typical selection of my work, with African Blackwood “framing” other timber species, both indigenous and from around the world.